Due to supply issues some boots/blades/plates are out of stock and will take 3-6 months for re-stocking, if you need them urgently, please contact us to check stock before placing an order.

Today we will discuss one of the common practices when choosing skate size: The Foot-on-Insole method. We have seen numurous skaters send the photos similar to following to us:

Fun Fact: Your insoles are typically at least 5mm smaller than the actual usable length of the boot.

Many skaters are advised to place their foot on the insole of a new boot to determine the size. If their foot is larger than the insole, they often assume the boots are “too small.” While this method is popular among parents buying shoes for their children, is it effective for purchasing figure skates?

Why is this method unreliable and highly misleading? Check out a simple explanation below using Edea boots as an example:
When your foot is inside the boot, your heel is likely to protrude at least 5mm from the back. As a result, using the insole as a gauge for size is highly unreliable and often leads skaters to choose boots that are significantly larger than needed.The Correct Method: Check Your Foot Imprint.

To determine the correct size, examine both the correct and incorrect foot imprints. The distance from the imprint of your big toe to the front of the boot indicates the amount of room you have. For a well-fitted boot, you should have only 5mm of wiggle room. For children who are still growing, a maximum of 1cm of wiggle room is acceptable and will not compromise skating performance.

Example of incorrect and correct sizing based on foot imprint on insoles:

 This is just the beginning! Recognizing the numerous misconceptions circulating in the community, we plan to share a series of talks about the importance of proper sizing and how to accurately measure yourself for skates. We’ll also discuss the differences between various brands and their fits. Be sure to follow us on Instagram at skatersedge.co.nz or on Facebook at skatersedgenz to gain full knowledge and debunk common myths.

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